Hello and welcome to our blog! We are a team drawn from the International Office, the Public Relations Department, as well as the Student and Academic Services Department of the University of Göttingen. Together with our student reporters, we want to provide you with information, insights and stories revolving around the University.
Kristin Fricke (also Employee)
Theresa CrollTheresa Croll, 26, studies North American Studies, German and English Philology. Her favorite things to do are writing and organizing –that’s why she not only loves to work for the BLUG and PR department of the university but also as a trainee in the Literarische Zentrum Göttingen.
Harsh Vivek HarkareHarsh Vivek Harkare, 22, studying economics, and straight off the plane from India. Worked as a writer and editor of various college publications over the past few years, and now all prepared to take on Göttingen!
Tanita SchebitzTanita Schebitz, 26, studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In addition to her studies and writing for the BLUG, she is also active as a reporter and presenter at StadtRadio Göttingen. She is always out and about and loves to meet new people.
Lasse SchopenLasse Schopen, 20, studies Geoscience at the Bachelor’s level, writes eagerly but slowly and is excited to get to know the University beyond the borders of the Nordcampus.
Hanna SellheimHanna Sellheim, 23, moved from Berlin to Göttingen for her Master’s studies in Comparative Literature. No matter where, she has always been writing and is now exploring the Göttingen campus for BLUG. But not for long: soon she will embark on a new adventure by studying abroad in the US.
Marlen SiegmundMarlen Siegmund, 20, studies Biochemistry at the Bachelors level. She is interested in photography and popular scientific writing. Favourite topics: astronomy and, of course, biochemistry. She decided to come to Göttingen because of the scientific orientation of the university and the Max-Planck-Institutes.
Verena PauerVerena Pauer, 27, studies Comparative Literature for her Master’s degree, Bachelor in History and German Philology. If she’s not busy for the BLUG, she’s roaming around campus for the Campus TV Univision and the StadtRadio Göttingen.
Swantje HenningsSwantje Hennings, 25, studies Comparative Literature, previously BA in German and History. Talks into the microphone for the university radio “GöHört” and now hits the keys for the BLUG.
Gwendolyn BartheGwendolyn Barthe, 22, studiert im Bachelor VWL. Beim Schreiben isst sie am liebsten Gummibärchen.
Marie NiederleithingerMarie Niederleithinger, 25, studiert im Master Microbiology and Biochemistry. Am Reporterin sein liebt sie, wie bereitwillig die Menschen ihre Geschichten mit ihr teilen und diese niederschreiben zu dürfen.
Thorge BeilfußThorge Beilfuß, Student der Amerikanistik und Philosophie, lebt seit 2011 in Göttingen. Neben dem Studium begeistert er sich besonders für das filmische Medium. 2016 ist er dann zum BLUG dazugestoßen und freut sich, seinen Blick auf Göttingen nun mit dem geschriebenen Wort Ausdruck zu verleihen.
Fabian HartmannFabian Hartmann, 28, had worked for different newspapers before he started studying. BA in economics and political science, now studying international economics. And, of course, working as a reporter for “Blug”.
Lena KargerLena Karger, 24, born near Hannover. BA in german and english, now studying compared literature. After two years spent in munich and spain, now back again in Göttingen and ready to write.